Children for Change monitors the effectiveness of the C4C Program to ensure that we are always learning about how to best fulfill our mission. The C4C program is designed to address and positively affect change in knowledge/skills (education), change in attitude (advocacy), and change in behavior (action).


In C4C we learn about the problem and we make a solution, we don’t just look at the problem.

- 7th grader

I learned that change can change me.

- 4th grader

I have learned that I can come up with many different ideas using C4C knowledge.

- 5th Grader


impact infographic

The C4C Program

Children for Change (C4C) is more than a set of curriculum paired with cultivated, curated, and contextualized volunteer opportunities.  C4C is more than Ideas to Action Workshops and Summits. It is more than taking action, educating others and advocating for issues that C4C youth believe in.  C4C is a movement that engages students and their community to become global change makers empowered with the knowledge, confidence, and empathy to make a positive impact in their world.  The below diagram amplifies the traditional service learning model with the specifics of the C4C Movement.

Children for change c4c

C4C educators present information using a phased learning methodology:



We create a comfortable, safe and inquiry-based learning environment during our weekly chapter meetings.

  • Students learn about specific issues, chosen by them, in a classroom setting
  • C4C’s carefully and intentionally designed curriculum educates and inspires



Armed with knowledge and their innate desire to make change, Children for Change students are poised to demonstrate action in their community.

  • Children for Change families participate in community volunteer opportunities cultivated by C4C Central that are related to the curricular areas we study.  Volunteering in the community gives our students and their families the ability to put classroom learnings into action
  • C4C provides opportunities for advocacy in front of governmental agencies
  • C4C organizes letter writing campaigns and encourages students to educate and advocate on topics about which they are passionate
  • C4C provides opportunities for students to bring their good ideas to fruition
  • C4C uses an asset-based approach to our volunteering, recognizing that often we get more out of the empathy building volunteering than we give to the particular partner in the moment.  Our partners recognize the power of empowering students and youth for the greater good.



We create many opportunities for students to reflect on what they are learning and why it’s important.

  • Students respond to reflective posts during C4C Chapter meetings
  • Families engage in conversation en route to and from volunteering
  • C4C creates opportunities for students to peer-share about their volunteer work and classroom learnings
  • Written and verbal assessments allow students time to reflect and process their experiences



We encourage our students to demonstrate their learning in an ongoing fashion. We find avenues for them to take leadership.

  • C4C students speak at County Supervisor Meetings,  Community Forums, and all-school assemblies
  • C4C students are guest speakers at neighboring C4C Chapters and within their school C4C Meetings  
  • Students and their families participate in simulations, bringing the subject to light
  • Students become advocates within their families and communities  



  • Our communities by inspiring a culture of giving and volunteering
  • Our families by engaging all members in volunteering and in chapter meetings
  • Our students by empowering them to be global change-makers with the knowledge, confidence, and empathy to make a positive impact on their world.

Learn More!  Download Our One Sheet.

C4C Charitable Giving

During our unique C4C Summits, students come together to share knowledge, practice leadership skills and advocate for a cause. Armed with a sum of dollars raised through bake sales and other fundraisers, C4C students are given agency to allocate funds on a greater scale.

Annual Reports

We are excited to celebrate young changemakers, our nonprofit partners, and our essential donors who make Children for Change possible.

Please check out our annual reports below!

Our son has developed a true sensitivity to the gross inequity in our world so that now he notices opportunities to make a difference and he is empowered to engage in real change-making. Our entire family has gotten so much from C4C and we are immeasurably grateful that this wonderful program exists in our community…"

Wendy Donner (mom of C4C Superstar and 2017-2018 C4C Youth Ambassador, Dylan)