Homegrown in Marin County, California, Children for Change offers an integrated in-school program for schools looking to provide service learning across their campus. Children for Change curriculum is provided to students once/week and can be enriched with guest speakers, assembly speakers, and even service trips. Lunch and after school club programming can be added for additional involvement and enrichment activities that extend classroom lessons into project-based learning.

Participating schools receive our unique curiosity-stirring, empathy-rousing curriculum, and gain access to our carefully curated and meaningful family volunteering opportunities.

C4C Schools


Number of students reached through
weekly C4C classes


Become a C4C School

Let’s face it.  We’re proud of what we’re doing.  Our carefully crafted curriculum and unique service learning program is youth-driven, inclusive, effective and fun.  What’s more, our research with our members shows that we’re meeting our mission to empower young people. We’ve designed our program to be “plug and play” at other schools and welcome the opportunity to see how we can work together.  Email our Executive Director for more information. 

C4C has made me a better person.  I have always struggled to make sure I keep a good balance of caring for myself and caring for others.  C4C made me realize I didn’t have to worry about that, that if I take care of others I will be taking care of myself."

Ella Furuichi, C4C Student since 2016